Shades of Beauty Events Coming Soon…

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  • Mentoring Opportunities

    We understand that life can be really hard at times. Because of this, we offer a mentoring program for youth in middle school and high school. Our goal is to help mentees to gain a sense of belonging and acceptance by inviting them to participate in healthy relationships which provides access to safe and enriching activities that empower them to make positive life choices.

  • Education and Awareness

    There are some things we don’t learn in school. Therefore, our education programs exist to help the community learn about various issues. The topics include but are not limited to mental health, anti-human trafficking, and self-esteem. We specialize in anti-human trafficking awareness campaigns and teachings.

  • Local Outreaches

    We believe in the importance of serving others. Our community activism program trains youth on how to be positive community members who serve others. We provide multiple opportunities throughout the year for youth to serve the homeless population, serve kids who are less fortunate, and as well as to help them develop their own outreaches in the areas they are passionate about.

  • Youth Empowerment

    The youth are our future! And they all are so gifted, talented, and creative! We love to support local youth as they are pursuing what they are passionate about. We love to highlight youth who have their own organizations, businesses, and programs!

  • Fellowship Gatherings

    Community is so important! Sometimes it can be hard to meet new and safe people. Our Fellowship program exists to help connect youth to safe environments in the city they are in. We often partner with local churches and youth organizations to host game nights, fun outings, and much more!

  • Prayer and Worship Events

    Our organization is rooted in praise, prayer, and worship! On a quarterly basis, we provide an opportunity for the community to come together in faith to worship and pray. These events also are a good time for fellowship as we have light refreshments available and fellowship time.

  • Creative Expression Workshops

    Allowing space for creativity in your life can be healing and aid in producing more joy! We host various creative workshops throughout the year. Whether it’s art, music, dance, plays, etc. We have something unique for you to participate in!

  • Leadership Development

    We love having the opportunity to aid in fostering education for the next generation of leaders. We also understand that leadership is rooted in having a servants heart, humility, and empathy. We teach these skills and many others through our leadership development initiatives.

  • Prayer and Support Services

    We understand life can be extremely challenging and overwhelming. We would be honored to support you as you go through scary, challenging, and uncertain seasons in life. We would love to walk with you and pray with you. We also have a wide range of services we can help connect you to, including but not limited to services related to domestic violence, human trafficking, drug and alcohol abuse, homelessness, and more.